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Thursday, March 02, 2006 

Wife, mother and lunatic

I am wife to this stud and mother to one little gal with another on the way.

I am not really a lunatic ... but because of all that I would love to accomplish in a day I think I must be crazy. I set these huge goals for myself and then when I can't complete half of them I am disappointed ... know anyone else like that? Being pregnant is great - but you really can't get much done when you are constantly tired, out of breath, moody (hormonal) ... I still feel like I have such a limited time to get everything done before the baby gets here. SHEW!

So ... my "to do" list ranges from simple to impossible ... things like "do the laundry" may seem easy to you but they can be exhausting to me, and last all day. Whereas - things like draw or knit - are simple and easy to get into - but I like to finish something before I can actually cross it off a list. Since I draw and knit all the time - they never seem to get crossed off and really shouldn't be on there to begin with. And then there are the seemingly impossible ones "Simplify" and "Get a Degree in Nutrition". Those aren't two things I want to accomplish before the baby gets here - but it would be nice to at least get started before these kids are in college. So, now you can see where the lunatic reference came from... today was a wacky day.
Here is something I finished though

Betsy, I didn't know you made drawings this cool!!! I'm defintetly adding the betsy wetsy's bloggy woggy to my daily reads =)

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